Grass fed beef brisket

Grass fed beef brisket is a very flavorful cut for the barbecue. It can be tough if cooked on a hot flame, but done low and slow it is incr-edible! Check out our favorite recipe for Oven-Baked Beef Brisket:


Product Description

"We smoked your brisket this weekend and it was amazing !!" -  Scott Brown, CCC. President of DevChef,

Our cattle are fed only pasture and hay, but no GMO's, antibiotics or hormones.

Health Benefits:
Grass fed beef contains two to four times more of Omega-3 than grain fed beef. This has many benefits, including reducing the chances of heart disease, depression, ADD, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

Grass-fed beef is three to five times higher in cancer-fighting conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Vitamin E and beta-carotene are also much higher.

Sound like a miracle health pill? It’s not really – it’s just beef the way it was supposed to be!