I have been interested in the idea of tree fodder for decades. Years ago I found an old book on the topic and it intrigued me. But many of the species mentioned in the book were tropical or sub-tropical species, which won’t grow here. So I never got started growing...
Blog Posts
Farm Fresh Eggs, Organic Eggs
Farm fresh eggs. They’re a hot topic these days—often in short supply since more and more people are moving away from grocery store eggs. There are several reasons why farm fresh eggs are sometimes scarce. There’s the seasonal demand such as festive times of the year...
Shaping the Bounty Woods
We’re managing our woods to harvest the most sunlight, for a bounty of firewood, maple syrup, lumber and even nuts.
We’re clearing land to grow organic feed
A local organic apple farm has agreed to let us use some land that they are not using. We are clearing it with plans to grow organic feed on it for our grass-fed pigs, turkeys and chickens. We have been buying most of our grains from an organic farm in PEI. This...
New Device Can Test For Nutrient Dense Foods
How would it be if you could detect nutrient dense foods at the farmers market - just point a smart phone at a carrot and instantly know if it was high in nutrition... or otherwise? Announcement: the Bio-nutrient Food Meter is coming soon! I’ve been watching this...
Our Naughty Grass Fed Beef
100% grass fed beef doesn't always want to be that way.. Several weeks ago we had an episode of bovine rebellion happen right in broad daylight - and at our Open Farm Day of all times! (gulp.) Our yearling heifer that has been raised on only pasture, hay, and her...