by Marvin Weber | Oct 9, 2018 | Farm News, Sustainable Agriculture
100% grass fed beef doesn’t always want to be that way.. Several weeks ago we had an episode of bovine rebellion happen right in broad daylight – and at our Open Farm Day of all times! (gulp.) Our yearling heifer that has been raised on only pasture, hay,... by Marvin Weber | Aug 9, 2018 | Farm News
Although our farm was wet again this spring, making for a late start in the garden, it has now officially warmed up here.. With temperatures in the 30’s almost every day for weeks, we’ve almost forgotten those extremely late frosts in June. With all this... by Marvin Weber | Jun 15, 2018 | Farm News, Sustainable Agriculture
Well, we are two weeks into the latest batch of gold in the making. Of course, the yellow kind isn’t much good on the farm; we make black gold. We (and you) would starve if all we had was elemental gold, but our black gold can be a big help towards feeding many...
by Marvin Weber | Mar 9, 2018 | Farm News
Well, this time we’re all going to contribute a little about what we do. You’ll get a snapshot of current events at the farm, through everybody’s eyes. I, Marvin, do most of the planning, ordering, delegating jobs, and marketing; I look after sales of Bio-Ag...
by Marvin Weber | Feb 8, 2018 | Sustainable Agriculture
Our favorite permaculture tips.. Do you have a bit of land, such as a backyard? Or even a tiny front yard? You can grow some of your own (clean) food, and improve your environment. Make a difference, even if it is just in one small way! Trees are very important in the...