Cured vs. Nitrite-free Bacon

Cured vs. Nitrite-free Bacon

Last fall when we sent our first pasture-raised pigs to the butcher for processing, we knew we’d have to face the “nitrite question” sometime. We were busing moving though, so we didn’t look into it then. We just let them do the standard curing. In the last several...

From Maitland Hillside to Annapolis Valley Farm

As you probably know, our move to our new Annapolis Valley farm is now behind us, and we’re mostly settled in. We’re finally taking the time to give you an update. Moving a farm and homestead, we discovered, is no easy feat. The weeks of moving were...

A Big Change Ahead

We haven’t published a farm update for quite a while, so I think it’s time to get in touch with you. A lot has happened here in the last couple of months. (Clears throat) We sold our farm— And we bought a larger farm at Berwick, in the Annapolis Valley. Since the boys...
Pasture Pigs arrive at Bountywoods Farm!

Pasture Pigs arrive at Bountywoods Farm!

A visiting friend once asked our son Daniel, “If you could choose one thing that you really want, what would it be?” Daniel didn’t need any time for deliberation. He immediately answered, “Pigs!” Caleb and Daniel have long wanted pigs....