
Bountywoods Farm news and updates

Tree-fed free range beef?

I have been interested in the idea of tree fodder for decades. Years ago I found an old book on the topic and it intrigued me. But many of the species mentioned in the book were tropical or sub-tropical species, which won’t grow here. So I never got started growing...
Grass-fed Beef Brisket Recipe

Grass-fed Beef Brisket Recipe

Beef brisket isn't just for the barbecue. You can use this simple ovenmethod to cook a crusty, juicy brisket. I cooked some of our grass-fed brisket recently for the family, using the oven technique and thespices I had around. It turned out with a wonderful peppery...

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Pasture Pigs arrive at Bountywoods Farm!

Pasture Pigs arrive at Bountywoods Farm!

A visiting friend once asked our son Daniel, "If you could choose one thing that you really want, what would it be?" Daniel didn't need any time for deliberation. He immediately answered, "Pigs!" Caleb and Daniel have long wanted pigs. Both boys like all kinds of...

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Easy Basil Chicken Recipe

Rebecca prepared this recipe for our Sunday dinner this week - it's simple and really tasty! We've actually had this several times before, with minor variations. Now we realized we shouldn't just keep it to ourselves. The chicken is baked in its own juices which makes...

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Recent hatchings and “currant” events

Random farm news (from the last four months...!) Garden We finally planted most of our seeds and transplants over the last couple of weeks (mostly between the 10th and the 20th). This year was the latest we ever started planting! However, we know that our Lord will...

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Winter Farm Activities

I suppose since you haven’t heard much from us lately you thought we’re on holidays! Well, I guess you’re right – sort of. We always enjoy winter and the chance to catch up. Well, our daughter Rebecca did take a part time job at a local old folks’ home, so she’s not...

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2018 Bountywoods Open Farm Day Recipe

Here's the recipe for the chicken we served on our Open Farm Day in September. It's Rebecca's adaption of a seasoning recipe from Long Way on a Little (another Shannon Hayes cookbook - highly recommended. She's an expert on cooking pasture-raised meats). Enjoy!...

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Our Naughty Grass Fed Beef

100% grass fed beef doesn't always want to be that way.. Several weeks ago we had an episode of bovine rebellion happen right in broad daylight - and at our Open Farm Day of all times! (gulp.) Our yearling heifer that has been raised on only pasture, hay, and her...

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Growing Coconuts at Bountywoods Farm?

Although our farm was wet again this spring, making for a late start in the garden, it has now officially warmed up here.. With temperatures in the 30's almost every day for weeks, we've almost forgotten those extremely late frosts in June. With all this heat, maybe...

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Peek Into A Spring Day

Peek Into A Spring Day

Sunlight sparkled on the Shubenacadie River when I looked out my window on Friday morning a week ago. The cherry tree was in full bloom, looking like snow had fallen overnight. I had fun going out there into the clean world to milk the cow. The sky above me rang with...

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