
Bountywoods Farm news and updates

Tree-fed free range beef?

I have been interested in the idea of tree fodder for decades. Years ago I found an old book on the topic and it intrigued me. But many of the species mentioned in the book were tropical or sub-tropical species, which won’t grow here. So I never got started growing...

Farm Fresh Eggs, Organic Eggs

Farm fresh eggs. They’re a hot topic these days—often in short supply since more and more people are moving away from grocery store eggs. There are several reasons why farm fresh eggs are sometimes scarce. There’s the seasonal demand such as festive times of the year...

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Blueberry prospects

Blueberry prospects

There's a property across the road from us which had a beautiful stand of old growth forest on it and also a blueberry patch. The larger part of it was sold after the owner died. They've cleared it and are now growing corn on it. Recently the smaller part with the...

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Best Nitrite-free Ham Recipe!

Best Nitrite-free Ham Recipe!

This flavorful nitrite-free ham roast would be a wonderful addition to your Thanksgiving dinner! Selema adapted the brine from a recipe in Shannon Hayes’s cookbook The Grassfed Gourmet. After it was brined, I had the fun of cutting a diamond pattern in the fat layer...

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Celebrating Sausage

Celebrating Sausage

Once in a while, Mom tells my brothers they can cook whatever they want for supper. Then they prance around in delight and run off to the freezer for a few packages of our pasture-raised pork sausages. Their choice is no surprise. Pork sausages are one of the most...

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What Happens on a Family Farm in April?

What Happens on a Family Farm in April?

Spring is here with new life and new growth. When we work with nature there's always the typical seasonal work cycle. But there are also constant changes and adaptations on a diverse family farm, as we keep discovering better ways to work with our natural resources,...

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One year in…at the new farm

One year in…at the new farm

We've been blessed this year. I'll show you some pictures of our summer. As you can see from the leaves on the trees, most of these pictures are from at least a month ago. Here's a summer shot of Adoniram taking a break from digging carrots. (Or was he just...

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“What is so fair as a day in June..”

“What is so fair as a day in June..”

Grass is our main crop here at the new Bountywoods Farm in Annapolis Valley. By managing the animals on the pastures we’re turning grass into tasty, nutritious meat products. The grass is growing splendidly now, especially in...

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Cured vs. Nitrite-free Bacon

Cured vs. Nitrite-free Bacon

Last fall when we sent our first pasture-raised pigs to the butcher for processing, we knew we’d have to face the “nitrite question” sometime. We were busing moving though, so we didn’t look into it then. We just let them do the standard curing. In the last several...

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From Maitland Hillside to Annapolis Valley Farm

As you probably know, our move to our new Annapolis Valley farm is now behind us, and we're mostly settled in. We're finally taking the time to give you an update. Moving a farm and homestead, we discovered, is no easy feat. The weeks of moving were crammed with...

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A Big Change Ahead

We haven’t published a farm update for quite a while, so I think it’s time to get in touch with you. A lot has happened here in the last couple of months. (Clears throat) We sold our farm— And we bought a larger farm at Berwick, in the Annapolis Valley. Since the boys...

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